%0 Journal Article %T CLASSIFICATION and MAPPING of SOME SITE FEATURES of KARST ECOSYSTEMS (SARIMSAK MOUNTAIN ANDIRIN-KAHRAMANMARA£¿) %A Turgay D£¿NDARO£¿LU %J - %D 2019 %X Karst ground surfaces are rich and highly sensitive ecosystems in terms of unique geomorphological features and host floristic species diversity. This study was conducted to obtain some actual site features for provides sustainability of Karst ecosystems located And£¿r£¿n, Kahramanmara£¿. In this study, in order to ensure the sustainable management of karst ecosystem habitat characteristics; bedrock and physiographic characteristics to statistics (slope, aspect, elevation) depending on changing soil properties, climate type and vegetation structure area were investigated. It was identified and mapped in five different bedrock (limestone, marble, breccia, diabase, and quartzite) limestone weight, 39 ecological soil series, 4 habitat feature (moist, fresh, fresh, and dry) in this study. Absolute soil depth was found to be most abundant in soils southern bond group. Detailed classification of the sensitive karst soils forestry activities carried out by the functions specific to this area will increase the chances of success. Keywords: Karst Ecosystems, Habitat, Soil, Ecolog %K Karsitk Ekosistemler %K Yeti£¿me Ortam£¿ %K Toprak Ekolojisi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/turkjforsci/issue/44905/468388