%0 Journal Article %T ANALYSIS OF DEAD JOB ACCIDENTS REALIZED JAMMING AND FALLING IN MACHINES %A Mehmet Z£¿LE %J - %D 2018 %X The large number of occupational accidents in Turkey and among the first businesses in terms of serious consequences is located in metalworking manufacturing sector. It is understood that necessary precautions have not been taken in occupational accidents that have been referred to as judicial cases for occupational health and safety. A significant proportion of job accidents that have been referred to as forensic cases are occupational accidents that occur in the form of losing to machines, splashing and dropping a material. With this research, it is aimed to determine the defects of these dead accidents by examining the occupational accidents that occurred in the form of losing to the machines, splashing and dropping of a material, so that these dead accidents do not occur again. In these work incidents, the autopsy and the place where the win occurred, the necessary data were collected and necessary photographs were made. It is understood that the necessary precautions have not been taken in the occupational accidents, which are referred to as judicial cases, in terms of occupational health and safety. These dead work accidents are a problem that must be resolved as a country reality and it is understood that the experts are invited to dead work accidents in every insecure environment and conditions that are not secured and supervised. These dead work accidents are highly accidents and very serious work accidents that need to be solved. This work focuses on fatal accidents and deaths in the form of losing machines, bouncing a ball and dropping a ball. It has been determined that the security problem, which is frequently detected in dead occupational accidents, is caused by conscious and unconscious human error. Work accidents in the form of losing to various machines in our country, splashing and dropping of a material have been investigated and it has been determined that the causes of these dead accidents are defective at the same time and suggestions are offered to prevent such dead accidents. Law No. 6331, when examined in its entirety, can be said to have not brought rooted and effective rules aimed at lifting the adverse conditions causing work accidents and occupational diseases, contrary to the claim it carries. These are workplaces with between 1 and 49 employees who account for 52 percent of the workplace casualties in 2013 and 2017, 66 percent of the active employers and 61 percent of the workplace. It has been determined that these workplaces are performed in workplace health and safety unit, workplace physician, job security engineer, %K Makinelere kapt£¿rma %K Maddenin S£¿£¿ramas£¿ ve D¨¹£¿mesi %K Kaza Analizi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/jonas/issue/38560/387647