%0 Journal Article %T THE SERVICES OF NIZ¨¡M AL-MULK TO THE GREAT SELJUK EMPIRE %A Abd¨¹lkerim £¿ZAYDIN %J - %D 2018 %X Having been one of the most successful statesmen of the Medieval Muslim world, Ni£¿¨¡m al-Mulk, Grand Vizier of the Great Seljuk Empire, served Sultan Alp Arslan and then Sultan Maliksh¨¡h, and thus the Great Seljuk Empire, with loyalty for about 30 years without interruption. His services can be broadly grouped under the following titles: Services in the Conquests, Fights for the Throne, and Wars Ni£¿¨¡m al-Mulk was a brave soldier and commander who knew the war feints and tactics of his time quite well. With the splendid military glories he won during the rules of Sultans Alp Arslan and Maliksh¨¡h, he gained the favors of both of the sultans. He also saved both of the sultans from grave dangers with his skilled and wise tactics and instructions during the fights for the throne. Services in the Seljukid-Abbasid Relations The renowned vizier did his best to help maintain the friendly relationships between the Abbasid Caliphates, who were considered to be the spiritual leaders of the Muslim world, and the Seljukid Sultans, from time to time enabled affinities to be created through marriages between two dynasties, and sometimes got personally involved in order to settle the disputes between the sultans and the caliphs. Services in the Fights against al-£¿asan b. al-£¿abb¨¡h and B¨¡£¿in¨©ds Having founded the Niz¨¡r¨©Ism¨¡£¿¨©l¨© State in 483 (1090) in Alam¨±t, al-£¿asan b. al-£¿abb¨¡h and B¨¡£¿in¨©ds had been one of the biggest and most lasting problems of the Great Seljukid Empire. Ni£¿¨¡m al-Mulk fought vigorously, both in military and scholarly fields, against al-£¿asan b. al-£¿abb¨¡h and B¨¡£¿in¨©ds who aimed to destroy the Great Seljukid Empire and eliminate, with daggers, those who refused their ideology. Ni£¿¨¡m al-Mulk served for this purpose to the state and the Sunn¨©-Muslim world greatly. Fights to End Sectarian Conflicts Medieval Muslim world was always filled with the sectarian conflicts caused by fanaticism. These conflicts did not occur only between Sunn¨© and Sh¨©£¿a Muslims but also between Sunn¨©-Muslims themselves resulting in loss of many lives. Ni£¿¨¡m al-Mulk fought with the Sh¨©£¿aB¨¡£¿in¨©ds in the scholarly area with the Ni£¿¨¡miyya Madrasas he established, and he succeeded overwhelmingly in this field. In order to end the conflicts among the Sunn¨©-Muslims, he asked everyone to respect different sects and opinions, and he did not intervene with their intellectual discussions unless they caused conflicts to the extent that they challenged the state¡¯s authority. Services in Extensification of the Eqt¨¡£¿ System Ni£¿¨¡m al-Mulk rendered the eqt¨¡£¿ system, which had already been present %K Nizam¨¹lm¨¹lk %K B¨¹y¨¹k Sel£¿uklu %K £¿kta %K Siyasetname %K Bat£¿n£¿lik %K Alp Arslan %K Melik£¿ah %K Nizamiye %U http://dergipark.org.tr/usad/issue/39609/468588