%0 Journal Article %T Integrated instructional material and development processes %A Bet¨¹l Tekerek %J - %D 2018 %X Instructional models form based on the needs. To satisfy the needs specific targeted instructions are presented. Teaching how a vehicle is used, is an example for specific targeted courses. This study suggests and defines a new concept namely ¡°integrated instructional material¡±. Integrated structures are applications and structures which contain integration for a specific purpose in a system approach. Accordingly, integrated instructional material is an assistant system for instruction. In other words, it is a supportive tool for teaching subjects of different disciplines as a whole by integrating them. 33 Preservice teachers, enrolled engineering class of Pedagogical Formation Education at a Faculty of Education of a state university in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey, performed the development process of integrated instructional material in the context of Instructional Technology and Material Design course. Data were collected through observation notes, open ended questionnaires, and clinical interviews. Content analysis was used in order to analyze data %K B¨¹t¨¹nle£¿ik £¿£¿retim materyali %K Disiplinlerin ili£¿kilendirilmesi %K £¿£¿retim materyali geli£¿tirme %K FeTeMM E£¿itimi %K B¨¹t¨¹nle£¿ik £¿£¿retim %U http://dergipark.org.tr/turje/issue/37312/362491