%0 Journal Article %T Frankfurt School and Critique of Enlightenment %A Dilan Ergun %J - %D 2018 %X Enlightenment is defined as the philosophical conception that emerged as an attitude against dogmatism in the history of Western philosophy and throughout the 18th century aimed at the wisdom-based critique of all kinds of social values. As for the Frankfurt School thinkers, the Enlightenment is seen as the cause of the demolitions of the 20th century, with the discourse of the re-evaluation of all existing values through the mind and the liberation of the mind. In this study we will be based primarily on the Enlightenment critiques of the school's subjective mind. We will touch upon the philosophical formations on the basis of positivism as an extension of the Enlightenment and the thought implications of theoretical thought systems in society. We will draw attention to power of the laws of society over the laws of nature. In this context, our aim will be to demonstrate the approaches developed by the Frankfurt School thinkers to events or facts when there is a revolutionary period such as the Enlightenment %K Marksizm %K Ayd£¿nlanma %K Ele£¿tirel Teori %K Frankfurt Okulu %U http://dergipark.org.tr/efad/issue/37163/485414