%0 Journal Article %T ABOUT THE AZ HOMONYM IN OLD TURKIC %A Ahmet KARAMAN %J - %D 2019 %X Languages refer to some methods in order to meet the myriad concepts in the external world. Because the voices that languages can produce are limited. For this reason, an unlimited number of concepts are tried to be met by using the sounds produced. There are among the most important methods used by languages as a result of this requirement, semantic relations between words, semantic and metaphorical meanings of words and formation of hendiadyoins. In some cases, a single word has gained both synonyms-homonym and side-metaphorical meanings and has been used in the hendiadyoins. One of the words that meet the different concepts with the operation of these three methods is the az word. In the old Turkish period, the az word was used as both action and name by showing the homonym root feature. What's more, the az word has been an element of the various hendiadyoins. In this article, all semantic dimensions of the word az in the Old Turkish period will be examined. Then, the hendiadyoins that are the elements of the word az are determined. The different meanings of the word az and hendiadyoins that are the elements of the word az will be given with examples %K Az / az- %K £¿kilemeler %K Eski T¨¹rk Yaz£¿t ve El Yazmalar£¿nda £¿kilemeler %K Seste£¿ K£¿k %K Eski Uygur Yazmalar£¿nda £¿kilemeler %U http://dergipark.org.tr/cutad/issue/46238/478090