%0 Journal Article %T A General Consensus on the Fate of the Eyes of the Prophet Ya£¿q¨±b %A Muhammed Bahaeddin Y¨¹KSEL %J - %D 2018 %X According to the information contained in the tafs¨©r books, Ya£¿q¨±b (peace be upon him), after losing his son Y¨±suf (peace be upon him), cried for years and eventually lost his eyes. The prophet Ya£¿q¨±b remained in this condition for six years. Years later, when faced with his brother Y¨±suf, he forgives those who have done him and sent the shirt to his father. When Ya£¿q¨±b passed Y¨±suf's shirt to his face, his eyes were opened and he began to see it again. The corresponding verses were interpreted through this general acceptance and the eyes of Ya£¿q¨±b became blind, was the only accepted sense without any alternative. However, in many books of tafs¨©r, this meaning has not been given as being unique. Indeed a second reason could make Ya£¿q¨±b blind, his intense crying would have weakened his sight. However, this second meaning has not been taken into account in the Qur£¿¨¡n translations. This study seeks to evaluate these two different meanings by analyzing in terms of both the s¨±ra and the Qur£¿¨¡n %K Kur¡¯an %K Yakup %K Yusuf %K g£¿mlek %K vech %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ksuifd/issue/37879/421233