%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of Secondary School 8th Grade Students' Participation in Science and Technology Course Classroom Tasks on Their Motivation and Attitude Towards the Course %A Esra YEN£¿CEL£¿ %A Nil¨¹fer NACAR %A Seda £¿AH£¿N %A Y¨¹cel KAYABA£¿I %J - %D 2019 %X This research investigates the effect of secondary school 8th grade science and technology course students' participation in classroom tasks on their motivation and attitude towards the lesson. Descriptive method was used in this research. The sample of the research, chosen by the random sampling method, is comprised of 352 students who attended schools in the 2013-2014 academic year in the metropolitan townships (Sincan, Bala, Aya£¿, Yenimahalle) of the city of Ankara. "Participation Scale" and "Attitude and Motivation Scale", developed by Sar£¿tepeci (2012), and "Paricipation on the Process of Teaching and Learning Scale", developed by Eri£¿ti (1998) were used. The results show that the girls have more participation in lessons than the boys do, that there is a significant relationship between level of students' "active and cooperatively learning" and their academic success, and that there is a significant relationship between students' participation of classroom tasks and students' attitudes towards the lesson %K £¿£¿renci Kat£¿l£¿m£¿ %K Motivasyon %K Tutum %K Ortaokul %K Fen ve Teknoloji dersi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/etad/issue/46499/424192