%0 Journal Article %T COMPANIES' SUPPLY PROCESSES AND WEB INTEGRATION LEVELS OF DEMAND MANAGEMENT AND THEIR EFFECTS ON PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY IN MERS£¿N FREE ZONE %A Didem DEM£¿R %A K£¿ksal HAZIR %J - %D 2019 %X In today's market, demand chain management is applied as a model aiming to bring strong aspects of marketing and supply chain processes gather just as to create value especially in customers. In this study, what extent and for which purposes the companies implement web-based processes with their suppliers is investigated. As a result important findings were found that businesses are using web-based integration in integrated inventory planning, integrated supply chain management, integrated demand /prediction, integrated ordering, scheduling and controlling with their suppliers. In addition, web-based processes with customers; findings on usage measures such as creating customer profile, determining market, getting orders from internet, sending invoices, determining customer demands and managing customer relations were obtained. As to the reasons for transition to WEB-based integration, many factors have been questioned, factors such as increasing the speed of response or feedback, improving the service and support, improving reliability and delivery, reducing expected costs, and entering the European market. What kind of benefits they get from WEB-based integration; the speed of delivery time, decrease in transaction costs, increase in profitability and increase in turnover were obtained %K Talep Zinciri Y£¿netimi %K Talep Entegrasyonu %K Tedarik Entegrasyonu %K Web Entegrasyonu %U http://dergipark.org.tr/uiibd/issue/44982/571274