%0 Journal Article %T 液相前驱体制备单层MoS2薄膜
Preparation of Monolayer MoS2 Film from Liquid Precursor %A 曹邦麟 %A 任启源 %A 叶子萌 %A 王泽高 %J Advances in Condensed Matter Physics %P 66-71 %@ 2326-3520 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CMP.2021.102008 %X MoS2薄膜生长主要通过化学气相沉积法来制备,本文使用液相金属前驱体替换传统的粉末原料,有效控制了生长基片表面的形核密度,提高了基片表面样品均匀度。并对生长过程中的基片前处理工艺、反应温度和时间、气压、前驱体量以及基片堆叠结构进行了系统的研究。通过优化制备工艺,实现了单层、单晶MoS2薄膜的可控制备,其单晶畴尺寸达到30 μm。
MoS2 film growth is mainly prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In this paper, liquid metal precursors are used to replace traditional powder materials, which effectively control the nucleation density on the growth substrate surface and improve the uniformity of the substrate surface sample. And the substrate pretreatment process, reaction temperature and time, air pressure, precursor volume and substrate stack structure in the growth process were systematically studied. By optimizing the preparation process, the controllable preparation of mono-layer, single-crystal MoS2 films was realized, and the single-crystal domain size reached 30 μm. %K 液相前驱体,单层,单晶,MoS2
Liquid Precursor %K Mono-Layer %K Single Crystal %K MoS2 %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=42569