%0 Journal Article %T 顾客为何用脚投票?——心理契约违背角度
Why does Customer Vote with Feet?—The Perspective of Psychological Contract Violation %A 阳林 %A 朱丽叶 %A 王丽婷 %A 伍丽娟 %J Modern Marketing %P 15-25 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2021.112003 %X 顾客用脚投票或称顾客转换行为会直接导致服务企业的顾客流失,尤其是各种电商平台登场后对实体餐饮业造成的困扰更加明显。本文尝试从心理契约违背角度对这一现象加以解释和探讨,希望本文的研究结果能为服务企业减少顾客流失,从而为赢得市场提供一些理论参考。
The immediate cause of service firm customer loss is that customer votes with feet, also called customer switching behavior. The trouble of off-line catering industry is especially evident because of the appearance of those E-commerce platforms. This article is trying to explain and discuss the phenomenon from the angle of psychological contract violation. Hope that the findings of this article can provide some theoretical reference to help service firm reduce their customer loss and win market. %K 顾客转换行为,心理契约违背,顾客流失
Customer Switching Behavior %K Psychological Contract Violation %K Customer Loss %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=42413