%0 Journal Article %T 探究构建电力企业电工装备供应商生态圈体系
Explore the System of the Supplier Ecosystem in Electronic Equipment Industry %A 熊汉武 %A 樊炜 %A 满思达 %A 肖锋 %A 徐旻欣 %J Smart Grid %P 164-173 %@ 2161-8771 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SG.2021.112016 %X 打造电工装备供应商生态圈是国家电网公司落实中央质量强国、经济高质量发展战略的重点发展方向,也是电工装备制造业及相关配套服务行业实现可持续发展、提升竞争力的客观需要。本文通过对生态系统相关理论和案例分析,初步构建出以电工装备供应商为核心的生态圈,其中包括总体目标,主要构成、管理与技术支撑,以及商业模式等。通过打造供应商生态圈可以全方位促进生态圈内外部资源共享及上下游高效协同,以实现自适应、可持续发展、高智慧运营的健康生态模式。
To build the supplier ecosystem in electronic equipment industry is the crucial way to implement the development direction of state which is high-quality economic development strategy; Besides is the objective need of achieving sustainable development and enhancing competitiveness in electronic equipment industry. The authors initially constructed the supplier ecosystem which includes the overall goals, the components, the technical and management support, and the business model. By creating a supplier ecosystem, it can comprehensively share resources in internal and external, and collaborate efficiently in upstream and downstream of the ecosystem, so as to achieve a healthy ecological model. %K 供应商生态圈,协同效应,商业模式
Supplier Ecosystem %K Synergistic Effect %K Business Model %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=42059