%0 Journal Article %T 铝纤维/聚酯纤维复合结构的低频吸声性能研究
Study on Low Frequency Sound Absorption Performance of Aluminum Fiber/Polyester Fiber Composites %A 王灿 %A 朱灿 %A 姚智敏 %A 李翔 %J Open Journal of Acoustics and Vibration %P 30-35 %@ 2328-0522 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJAV.2021.91004 %X
低频吸声结构一直是噪声控制领域的研究热点。本研究以聚酯纤维与铝纤维板为研究对象,通过研究材料放置方式、聚酯纤维材料厚度以及空腔厚度,最终得到具有较好低频吸声性的铝纤维/聚酯纤维复合结构。实验结果表明,当铝纤维板一侧面向声源、聚酯纤维材料厚度为8 mm、背后空腔厚度为190 mm时低频吸声性能最佳,在100 Hz处吸声系数达到0.57,在100~500 Hz的平均吸声系数大于0.74。考虑到性能成本效率,研究建议复合结构的空腔设置厚度在120~160 mm之间。
Low-frequency sound absorption structure has always been a research hotspot in the field of noise control. Polyester and aluminum fiberboard were used in this experiment. The impact of placement of materials, polyester fiber material thickness and cavity depth were studied to find the best low-frequency sound absorption performance of the aluminum fiber/polyester fiber composite structure. The experimental results show that performance is the best when the aluminum fiber-board is on the side of the sound source, the polyester fiberboard thickness is 8 mm, and cavity depth behind them is 190 mm. Under this condition, the sound absorption coefficient reaches 0.57 at 100 Hz, and the average sound absorption coefficient at 100~500 Hz is greater than 0.74. According to the ratio of property and cost, the cavity depth range from 120 mm to 160 mm is suggested finally.
%K 聚酯纤维,铝纤维板,复合结构,低频,吸声性能
Polyester Fiber %K Aluminum Fiber %K Composite Structure %K Low Frequency %K Sound Absorption Performance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40968