%0 Journal Article %T 紫外激光器应用进展
Application Progress of Ultraviolet Laser %A 苏畅 %A 马宇航 %A 丁可可 %A 韦龙 %A 李再金 %A 赵志斌 %A 曾丽娜 %A 李林 %A 乔忠良 %A 陈浩 %A 曲轶 %J Optoelectronics %P 26-34 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2021.111004 %X 紫外激光是一种能量比较集中、波长较短、分辨率高,可以被广泛材料充分且有效吸收的激光。它具有不接触物体就可改造物体表面生物、化学和物理性质的特性,最突出的特点是“冷”加工,及较少的产生热,减少热能对材料的损伤,所以特别适用于加工微小脆性的材料。本文简要介绍了紫外激光器的发展,并对常用于激光加工的准分子气体激光器和全固态紫外激光器的原理和技术进行了概述。重点介绍了紫外激光器的应用。在医用生物材料方面:紫外激光对生物材料照射,改其表面的生物、化学特性,但不破坏和改变材料整体性质,如增强生物材料与人体组织的相容性。在刑侦方面,通过紫外激光器可以更加便捷地找到犯罪嫌疑人在现场留下的痕迹。在集成电路板上的应用方面,紫外激光器可以在柔性电路、聚合物和铜的层布式电路还有一些微小的电路材料上进行精确的打孔、打标、切割。在微光学器件和半导体产业中的应用方面,紫外激光器可以对易碎、容易破损、易产生裂纹的微小光学器件和半导体材料进行高效和高质量的加工和研究。
Ultraviolet laser is a kind of laser with concentrated energy, short wavelength and high resolution, which can be fully and effectively absorbed by a wide range of materials. It has the characteristics that it can transform the biological, chemical and physical properties of the object surface without touching the object. The most prominent feature is “cold” processing, and less heat generation, which can reduce the damage of heat energy to materials, so it is especially suitable for processing micro-brittle materials. In this paper, the development of ultraviolet laser is briefly introduced, and the principle and technology of excimer gas laser and all solid state ultraviolet laser commonly used in laser processing are summarized. The application of UV laser is mainly introduced. In the aspect of medical biomaterials, ultraviolet laser irradiation can improve the biological and chemical properties of biomaterials surface, but not destroy and change the overall properties of biomaterials, such as enhancing the compatibility between biomaterials and human tissues. In the area of criminal investigation, ultraviolet laser can be more convenient to find the traces left by suspects. In the application of integrated circuit board, UV laser can accurately punch, mark and cut on flexible circuit, polymer and copper layer circuit, and some microcircuit materials. In the application of micro-optical devices and semiconductor industry, UV laser can be used to process and research micro-optical devices and semiconductor materials with high efficiency and high quality. %K 紫外激光器,微加工,半导体材料,微光学器件,集成电路
Ultraviolet Laser %K Micro Fabrication %K Semiconductor Materials %K Micro-Optical Devices %K Integrated Circuit %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40918