%0 Journal Article %T 牛肝脓肿临床防治研究
Study on Clinical Prevention and Treatment of Liver Abscess in the Cow %A 侯引绪 %A 孙健 %A 张凡建 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 15-19 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRPVM.2021.102003 %X
Bovine liver abscess is a recessive and multiple disease. It’s not easy to detect and identify the disease early. The disease occurs all over the world, especially the incidence rate of house feeding cattle in Britain and the United States is relatively high. The incidence is as high as 17%~32%. Since the 1990s, there has been a high incidence of this disease in large-scale dairy farms in China. Since the early clinical symptoms of bovine liver abscess are not obvious, the special symptoms are not typical and prominent, so it is difficult to diagnose the disease in the early stage, the cure rate is low and the mortality is high. The disease has become a hot topic of concern. This paper focuses on the causes of the disease, early clinical features, pathogenesis, prevention and treatment measures, etc. Systematic clinical analysis and research summary are made here for exchange and report.
%K 牛,肝脓肿,防治,研究
Cow %K Liver Abscess %K Control %K Study %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40906