%0 Journal Article %T 探究高职高专计算机程序设计教学的有效性
Explore the effectiveness of computer programming teaching in higher vocational colleges %A 王鹏 %J Computer Campus %P 25-28 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %X 作为高职高专学习的重要课程之一,计算机程序设计类课程属于必修实践科目,其中包含着验证学生 职业技能和提升计算思维能力的内容,本学科涉及到关于算法分析、代码编制、设计测试、维护软件等方面的知识, 通过在教学过程中教师将基本知识与实训课程相结合,达到将理论应用于实践的目标。而在现阶段的教学过程中不 难发现,有些教师尚未深刻意识到实训演练与课后实验的积极意义,在设置教学内容的环节,无法形成系统的教学 模式,阻碍了知识水平的提升,因此本文将重点阐释在高职高专计算机程序设计类课程教学中应当如何改进。
As one of the important courses in higher vocational colleges, computer programming courses are compulsory practical subjects, which contain content to verify students' professional skills and improve computational thinking ability. This subject involves algorithm analysis and code preparation. , Design, test, and maintain software knowledge. Through the combination of basic knowledge and practical training courses, teachers can achieve the goal of applying theory to practice. However, in the current teaching process, it is not difficult to find that some teachers have not yet fully realized the positive significance of training exercises and after-class experiments. In the process of setting teaching content, a systematic teaching model cannot be formed, which inhibits the improvement of knowledge. Therefore, this article will focus on explaining how to improve the teaching of computer programming courses in higher vocational colleges. %K 高职高专计算机程序设计;教学;策略
computer program design in higher vocational colleges %K teaching %K strategy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40994