%0 Journal Article %T 探析高职计算机编程类课程的教学改革模式
Probe into the Teaching Reform Mode of Computer Programming Cou rses in Higher Vocational Education %A 张贵华 %J Computer Campus %P 33-36 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %X 高职教育最为突出的特点就是专业性、实用性与实践性的课程性质表现,因此在高职教育基础上所 培养出的学生不仅掌握了足够的理论知识,更拥有着丰富的实践操作能力,对社会中本专业的工作适应性极强。 以计算机专业为例,编程课程的重要性毋庸置疑,贯穿了整个专业的学习生涯。对于编程课程教学来说,关键的 不仅仅是理论知识的学习与融合,更强调课程教学结果的突显,其也同样决定了最终所获得的项目成果能够符合 用户对成果应用方面的具体要求。
The most prominent feature of higher vocational education is the performance of professional, practical and practical courses. Therefore, students trained on the basis of higher vocational education not only master enough theoretical knowledge, but also have rich practice Operational ability, strong adaptability to the work of this profession in the society. Taking the computer major as an example, the importance of programming courses is undoubtedly throughout the entire professional learning career. For programming course teaching, the key is not only the learning and integration of theoretical knowledge, but also the highlighting of course teaching results, which also determines that the final project results obtained can meet the specific requirements of users for the application of results. %K 高职;计算机编程类课程;教学改革模式
higher vocational education %K computer programming courses %K teaching reform model %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40998