%0 Journal Article %T 非均匀准脆性岩土类材料的动态力学本构关系的繁衍与演化
Propagation and Evolution of Dynamic Mechanical Constitutive Relation of Heterogeneous Quasi-Brittle Materials %A 范学如 %A 罗宁 %A 曹小龙 %A 蒋立 %A 梁汉良 %A 翟成 %J International Journal of Mechanics Research %P 29-51 %@ 2325-5005 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJM.2021.101004 %X 本构理论描述的是宏观和细观微观尺度下材料或结构在外载荷作用下的响应,是力学研究中不可忽视的研究方向,是材料力学中经久不息的研究课题。本文重点以非均匀介质如岩石或者岩土体、混凝土等准脆性材料为研究对象,针对采动和强动载环境过程中的关键科学问题,系统的阐述国内外关于准脆性材料的动态本构关系的繁衍历程、构建起源、发展适用范畴及基本原理。同时,对常用的几类表征准脆性材料动态力学响应的本构模型进行了系统的理论推导。最后,针对准脆性材料的动态本构进行了细化分类,并研究了其相互关系的演化过程。
Constitutive theory describes the response of material or structure under external load at macro and micro scales. It is a research direction that cannot be ignored in mechanical research and a long-standing research topic in material mechanics. This paper focuses on non-uniform medium such as rock or rock mass, concrete and other quasi brittle materials as the research object, aiming at the key scientific problems in the process of mining and strong dynamic load environment. The development history, origin, application scope and basic principle of dynamic constitutive relation of quasi brittle materials at home and abroad are systematically described. Meanwhile, several kinds of constitutive models which are commonly used to characterize the dynamic mechanical response of quasi brittle materials are systematically deduced. Finally, the dynamic constitutive models of quasi brittle materials are classified and the evolution process of their relationship is studied. %K 本构理论,动态本构关系,准脆性材料,非均匀介质,发展演化
Constitutive Theory %K Dynamic Constitutive Relation %K Quasi Brittle Materials %K Inhomogeneous Medium %K Development Process %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=41063