%0 Journal Article %T 复合磁性纳米阵列薄膜磁光特性的研究
Research on Magnetic-Optical Performance of Composite Magnetic Nano-Array Films %A 张建修 %A 张学彬 %A 张绍银 %J Optoelectronics %P 35-44 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2021.111005 %X 为增进磁性薄膜的磁光性能,利用Comsol软件设计了含钴膜的多层阵列薄膜,对二维周期性复合薄膜磁光性能进行了数值计算。阐明了二维阵列薄膜的等离激元激发与入射光波波长和方位角有关,具有各向异性。探寻了阵列薄膜光学反射率、纵向磁光克尔角随波长和方位角的变化规律。研究发现,复合多层磁性薄膜的磁光性能相较于单层磁性薄膜有了较大提升,由此阐明了磁光增强的物理新机制:复合多层阵列薄膜的等离激元和介质层的腔效应耦合是磁光性能改善的根源。此项研究对于设计高性能磁光材料提供了有益指导。
In order to enhance the magneto-optical properties of magnetic films, the quadrilayer array films were designed by Comsol, and the numerical calculations were shown as for two-dimensional orderly array film. The anisotropies of surface plasmon resonance with wavelength and azimuthal angle of incident plane were presented. Furthermore, the optical reflectance and the longitudinal Kerr spectra varying with wavelength and azimuthal angle of incident plane were studied in the range of visible light. The calculations showed the enhancement of magneto-optical Kerr rotation for the quadrilayer array film in comparison with that of the single layer Co film. It is elucidated that the magneto-optical enhancement of quadrilayer array film can be realized by the coupling between surface plasmon resonance and cavity effect. The study will be valuable in future applications for high performance magnetic film. %K 周期磁性阵列薄膜,等离激元,克尔效应
Magnetic Orderly Array Film %K Surface Plasmons %K Kerr Effect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=41370