%0 Journal Article %T 柏条河流域水质及非点源污染综合评估
Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Quality and Non-Point Source Pollution in Baitiao River Basin %A 张兴 %A 朱虹 %A 游如玥 %A 高丹阳 %A 敖天其 %J Open Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %P 16-25 %@ 2334-3435 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJSWC.2021.91003 %X 为了解决非点源污染在缺资料地区难以模拟计算和综合评估的问题,本文以柏条河流域为例,采用主成分分析法和综合污染指数法对研究区水质进行了综合评价,通过结合源强系数法(source strength coefficient method)和输出系数法(the export coefficient model)对研究区2017年非点源污染情况进行模拟计算,并采用等标污染负荷法进行污染综合评估,以明确研究区主要污染物和主要污染源。结果表明:1) 柏条河流域水质整体偏好,个别时段存在水质超标现象,枯水期水质整体优于丰水期;2) 研究区非点源污染比较严重,主要污染物为TN,其等标污染负荷占比为56.17%;3) 农村生活污水和农业面源为主要污染源,其等标污染负荷占比分别为69.53%和12.49%;4) 污染最严重的乡镇为丽春镇、其次为唐昌镇,需采取相应的措施加以治理。
It is difficult to quantitatively simulate and comprehensively assess non-point source pollution in ungauged basins. The water quality in the study area was evaluated by PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and comprehensive pollution index method. The source strength coefficient method and the export coefficient model were used to simulate the non-point source pollution in the study area in 2017, and the pollution load method was used to comprehensively evaluate the pollution, the main pollutants and main pollution sources in the study area were obtained. The results show that 1) the water quality of Baitiao River Basin is preferred as a whole, and the water quality in different periods exceeds the standard, and the water quality in dry season is due to the water quality in high season; 2) the non-point source pollution in the study area is relatively serious, and the main pollutant is TN, which accounts for 56.17% of the standard pollution load; 3) The main sources of pollution were rural domestic sewage and agricultural non-point source, with their pollution load was 69.53% and 12.49%; 4) Lichun town is the most polluted region in the study area. It is necessary to take measures to manage the water non-point source pollution in Baitiao river basin. %K 水质评价,非点源污染,源强系数法,输出系数法,污染评估
Water Quality Evaluation %K Non-Point Source Pollution Evaluation %K Source Strength Coefficient Method %K The Export Coefficient Model %K Evaluation of Surface Pollution %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=41219