%0 Journal Article %T Wooden Rockers Were Open Mould for Mudbrick or Concrete Ones %A Akio Kato %J Archaeological Discovery %P 151-164 %@ 2331-1967 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ad.2021.93008 %X The true purpose of a wooden ˇ°rockerˇ± from a foundation deposit in the tomb of Queen Hatshepsut at Dier el-Bahri is proposed that it was an open mould for a mudbrick or concrete rocker. The solid rockers produced by such a mould have grooves that act as rope channels so that they can be attached to a stone (or sledge under the stone) by ropes to roll or turn the stone easily. We proposed how the wooden rocker could be used to produce solid rockers, then tested this method experimentally to get mudbrick or concrete rockers with grooves. %K Rocker %K Mould %K Mudbrick %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=109648