%0 Journal Article %T Syntheses and Characterization of Two Novel Copper(II) Malonate Complexes Functionalized with 3,3กฏ-Bis(pyrazolyl)pentane and 4,4กฏ-Trimethylenedipyridine %A Alvine Loris Djoumbissie %A Alain Clovis Tayo Djampouo %A Tanyi Rogers Fomuta %A Giscard Doungmo %A Golngar Djimassingar %A Alain Charly Tagne Kuate %A Jean Ngoune %J Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry %P 43-53 %@ 2161-7414 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojic.2021.112003 %X Two novel copper complexes (1,2) with N,O-donor ligands were synthesized by reaction of copper(II) malonates with 3,3กฏ-bis(pyrazolyl)pentane and 4,4กฏ-trimethylenedipyridine in methanol at moderate temperature. These compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, UV-VIS, IR spectroscopies and powder X-ray diffraction analyses. Compound (1) melts at higher temperature (202°C) than compound (2) (100°C). The IR spectra showed typical vibrations related to C=N and C=C, characteristic of pyrazolyl and pyridine ligands. %K Copper %K Malonate %K 3 %K 3กฏ-Bis(pyrazolyl)pentane %K 4 %K 4กฏ-Trimethylenedipyridine %K UV-Vis %K IR %K Powder X-Ray Diffraction %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=108895