%0 Journal Article %T A Comparative Analysis of Polyester Fabric Properties between Dyed with Indigo and with Disperse Dyes %A Md. Rashedul Islam %A Ummul Khair Fatema %J Journal of Textile Science and Technology %P 77-90 %@ 2379-1551 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jtst.2021.72007 %X A study was carried out to compare several colorimetric, physical and comfort properties of polyester fabric dyed with indigo type vat dye and traditionally used disperse dye. It was observed that in terms of colorfastness properties the results were found similar for both the dyes, however in some cases indigo showed slightly better performances. While comparing physical properties, though pilling resistance was found similar, abrasion resistance and bursting strength were found better for disperse dyed fabric. The lower drape co-efficient, bending length and flexural rigidity exhibited the improvement of limpness of the indigo dyed sample. The comfort property was also found improved attributed by the enhanced air permeability of the indigo dyed polyester fabric. %K Comparison %K Polyester %K Indigo %K Disperse %K Colorimetric %K Physical %K Comfort Properties %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=108993