%0 Journal Article %T 新冠病毒DNA序列基于熵值的分布可视化
Novel Coronavirus DNA Sequence Visualization Based on Entropy Distribution %A 杨宸 %A 郑智捷 %J Hans Journal of Computational Biology %P 21-29 %@ 2164-5434 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJCB.2021.112003 %X 新型冠状病毒于2020年1月正式命名为2019-nCoV,时至今日该病毒的传播仍然没有得到良好的控制。病毒的DNA碱基序列在病毒的性状中起着决定性的作用,本文分析了四个国家(中国,美国,澳大利亚,德国)新冠病毒DNA之间的差异。选择各国新冠病毒DNA序列,以信息熵,相对熵,交叉熵的形式给出四国病毒之间差异的可视化分析。
Novel coronavirus is officially named 2019-ncov in January 2020, and has not been well controlled until now. The DNA base sequence of avirus plays a decisive role in the character of avirus. This pa-per analyzes the differences between novel coronavirus DNA from four countries (China, America, Australia and Germany). The novel coronavirus DNA sequences from different countries were se-lected, and the visual analysis of the differences between four viruses was given in the form of in-formation entropy, relative entropy and cross entropy. %K 新冠病毒,DNA序列,熵,可视化分析
Novel Coronavirus %K DNA Sequence %K Entropy %K Visualization Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43003