%0 Journal Article %T 空间相机电磁防护与兼容设计
Electromagnetic Protection and Compatible Design of Space Camera %A 杨金宝 %A 黄春蓉 %A 杨曦 %A 陈琳 %J Optoelectronics %P 45-53 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2021.112006 %X 外层空间电磁环境复杂,作为空间载荷的重要组成部分之一,空间相机的设计要求高可靠性,其中良好的电磁防护与兼容性不可或缺。本文从空间相机的实际场景出发,分析了外层空间的电磁环境,包括可能出现的外层空间电磁干扰、产品自身的电磁自兼容和对外电磁辐射及其影响,针对性设计电磁防护与兼容措施,定量分析产品的电磁防护与兼容性能,最后通过产品实际设计和第三方检测,验证了设计的正确性。
The electromagnetic environment in outer space is complex. As one of the important components of space load, the design of space camera requires high reliability, among which good electromagnetic protection and compatibility are indispensable. Starting from the actual scene of space camera, the electromagnetic environment in outer space was analyzed in this paper, including possible electromagnetic interference in outer space, electromagnetic compatibility of products themselves and external electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic protection and compatibility measures were designed in this paper while electromagnetic protection and compatibility of products were quantitatively analyzed, and finally the correctness of the design was verified through actual product design and third-party testing. %K 电磁,防护,兼容,空间,相机
Electromagnetic %K Protection %K Compatibility %K Space %K Camera %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43084