%0 Journal Article %T Expression and Clinical Significance of <i>PIK3CA</i>, <i>c-MET</i> and <i>c-KIT</i> Mutations in Saudi Breast Cancer Patients %A Rami Nassir %A Ghada Esheba %A Hanan M. Abd Elmoneim %A Ahlam S. Altowairqi %A Ghassan Nouman %J Advances in Breast Cancer Research %P 60-74 %@ 2168-1597 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/abcr.2021.103005 %X Objective: PIK3CA is the most common pathway affected by mutations in breast cancer. PIK3CA/PTEN pathway is under intense investigation as a possible target for molecular therapy. Dysregulation PIK3CA/PTEN pathway is a substantial mechanism for the development of resistance to anti-HER2 therapy. Therefore, we aimed to study the PIK3CA/PTEN in breast cancer patients in Saudi population. Methods: We applied PTEN immunohistochemistry on 98 patients. Then, we applied next-generation sequencing to determine the genetic variations associated with the development of breast cancer and their correlations with clinicopathological variables. Results: PTEN expression was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis (LNM), tumor stage, lymphovascular invasion (LVI) and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). The prevalence of the PIK3CA mutation was 33.3% of cases and it was significantly associated with LNM, tumor stage, and with PTEN expression. c-MET mutation was %K PTEN %K < %K i> %K PIK3CA< %K /i> %K < %K i> %K c-MET< %K /i> %K < %K i> %K c-KIT< %K /i> %K Breast Cancer %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=110353