%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of 472,688 Severe Cases of COVID-19 in Brazil Showed Lower Mortality in Those Vaccinated against Influenza %A Daniele Melo Sardinha %A Diana da Costa Lobato %A Ana Lú %A cia da Silva Ferreira %A Karla Valé %A ria Batista Lima %A Ricardo José %A de Paula Souza e Guimarã %A es %A Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa Lima %J World Journal of Vaccines %P 28-32 %@ 2160-5823 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/wjv.2021.113004 %X Objective: To analyze the severe cases of COVID-19 in Brazil in 2020 and compare those vaccinated and unvaccinated against influenza in invasive ventilation, admission in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and deaths. Method: Cross-sectional study with public data from the OpenDataSUS platform, regarding confirmed severe cases for COVID-19 in Brazil in the year 2020. Data were analyzed by SPSS, from the chi-square test of independence and binary logistic regression. Results: The population was 472,688 cases and 177,640 deaths, with a lethality of 37.58% in severe cases. The test of independence was highly significant in vaccinated survivors (<0.0001), and regression showed an almost twofold odds ratio for invasive ventilation, ICU admission, and death in unvaccinated cases. Conclusion: We recommend mass influenza vaccination as an adjuvant in combating the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. %K COVID-19 %K Pandemic %K Brazil %K Influenza Vaccine %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=110583