%0 Journal Article %T PERT and CPM in Project Management with Practical Examples %A Karibo Benaiah Bagshaw %J American Journal of Operations Research %P 215-226 %@ 2160-8849 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajor.2021.114013 %X This paper reviewed the concepts of Project Evaluation Review Technique and Critical Path Method in project management with practical examples. The methods and success of quantitative decision-making approaches in project management through the use of project evaluation review technique and the critical path method as regards project duration and critical activities of a project, were discussed. The review found that while both methods are effective in achieving success in project management, the relationship and connectivity of activities involved in a project life cycle are key aspects. The paper concludes that the project evaluation review technique is more effective when the duration of the project is uncertain, while the critical path method is effective when the project¡¯s end time is certain. The paper, therefore, recommends that to achieve maximum operative efficiency in utilizing resources in project management, prior to commencing the execution of a project, all required resources to cover every activity must be assembled and prioritized to eliminate interruptions that could bring delay and unnecessary cost implications. Again, policies focused on improving project execution should be implemented in developing nations to minimize the many cases of failed and delayed projects. Subsequently, stakeholders in projects must be given the right, under the law, to prosecute the government, its agencies and/or the executors of projects for failure to execute a project on schedule. %K Activities %K Critical Path Method %K Project Evaluation Review Technique %K Project Management %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=110980