%0 Journal Article %T Chromosome Polymorphism and Human Pathology: About 27 Cases of Chromosome 9 Inversion in the Beninese Population %A Simon Azonbakin %A Alfred Ouedraogo %A Alexis Ouedraogo %A Daniel Sewadouno %A Arnaud Agbanlinsou %A Yannick Goussanou %A Marius Adjagba %A Jules Alao %A Anatole Laleye %J Open Journal of Genetics %P 23-31 %@ 2162-4461 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojgen.2021.113003 %X The chromosomal polymorphism defined by variations of some chromosomal regions of a person (the constitutive heterochromatin and the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes (13 to 15 and 21 - 22)) sometimes highlighted problems with regard to their safety and their pathogenicity. Polymorphisms are usually found in the same family and transmitted in the dominant Mendelian. Chromosome 9 inversion is a frequent phenomenon that some cytogeneticists consider as a variant of normal. Despite its classification as a minor chromosome rearrangement which does not correspond to abnormal phenotypes, many reports have raised conflicting opinions as well, and its complete safety is controversial. 27 cases of inversion of chromosome 9 were identified in our laboratory. The main indications for karyotype of the case of inv (9) were congenital cardiopathy (18.5%), sex development disorders of (18.5%), down syndrome (18.5%), and infertility (14.8%). This study stood out the observations of many authors who highlighted the involvement of inv (9) in the genesis of several pathologies. %K Inversion %K Chromosome 9 %K Karyotype %K Abnormality %K Fertility %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=111128