%0 Journal Article %T 基于可控IGBT的直流微电网的主动保护控制研究
Research on Active Protection and Control of DC Microgrid Based on Controlled IGBT %A 高宇 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 65-75 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2021.92008 %X 直流微电网短路下会导致电源烧毁及大量电力电子器件损坏等严重损失,基于电力电子器件的可控性将主动式保护控制应用到直流微电网的短路保护中,以含有多能源储能系统的直流微电网作为研究对象,找出三相AC/DC和三相交错DC/DC两种换流器模式下极间短路故障的共性,在此基础上,提出了一种基于全控性器件绝缘栅双极晶体管IGBT的抑制极间短路电流的直流微电网控保协同主动保护方法及其启动判据,解决直流微电网发生极间短路故障问题,实现利用变换器内本身电力电子元件特性的主动保护。
The short circuit of DC microgrid will lead to serious losses such as power burned down and damage of a large number of power electronic devices. Based on the controllable type of power electronic devices, active protection control is applied to the short circuit protection of DC microgrid. In this paper, the DC microgrid containing multi-energy storage system is taken as the research object. It can find out the common characteristics of inter-pole short circuit faults in three-phase AC/DC and three-phase staggered DC/DC converter modes. On this basis, a DC microgrid control protection cooperative active protection method and its start-up criterion are proposed to suppress inter-pole short-circuit current. This method is based on the fully controlled device insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT. It can solve the problem of inter-pole short circuit fault in DC microgrid and realize the active protection of power electronic components in the converter. %K 直流微电网,故障分析,保护,控保协同
DC Microgrid %K Fault Analysis %K Protection %K Control and Protection Coordination %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43369