%0 Journal Article %T 基于温度采样数据的锂电池执行器热故障诊断
Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Li-Ion Battery Actuator Based on Temperature Sampling Data %A 占雅聪 %A 王子赟 %A 王艳 %A 纪志成 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 57-64 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2021.92007 %X 针对锂电池执行器热故障问题,提出了一种基于集员滤波的故障诊断方法。通过建立锂电池电热耦合模型,基于电池温度采样数据,采用全对称多胞体卡尔曼滤波算法对采样数据进行分析,得到故障估计的区间,从而实现锂电池执行器热故障诊断。
A fault diagnosis method based on set membership filtering is proposed for thermal fault of Li-ion battery. Through constructing electrothermal coupled model, based on the battery temperature sampling data, the Zonotopic Kalman filter algorithm is used to analyze the sampling data to obtain the interval of fault estimation, so as to realize the thermal fault diagnosis of Li-ion battery actuator. %K 集员滤波,锂电池,故障诊断
Set Membership Filtering %K Li-Ion Battery %K Fault Diagnosis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43130