%0 Journal Article %T 一般集成和解构综合论
General Integration and Deconstruction Synthesis %A 赵士洋 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 15-26 %@ 2574-416X %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2021.52003 %X 集成、解构是自然界、社会和思维领域常见的现象。两者相互关联,相互作用,形成集成和解构综合过程。唐孝威院士提出的一般集成论实际上不仅包括集成过程和部分解构过程的描述,还包括集成和解构综合过程的相关论述。然而,一般集成论包含的集成和解构综合过程的知识不能形成一个有效的知识体系。因此,有必要提出一门新的关于集成和解构综合现象的学科。在一般集成论的基础上,继续扩充其中关于集成和解构综合的思想,提出一般集成和解构综合论,用于描述集成和解构综合现象的一般规律。
Integration and deconstruction are common phenomena in nature, society and thinking. The two are interrelated and interact to form the integrated and deconstructed process. In fact, the general integration theory proposed by academician Tang Xiaowei not only includes the description of integration process and part of deconstruction process, but also includes the related discourses of integration and deconstruction synthesis process. However, the general integration theory cannot form an effective knowledge system by integrating and deconstructing the knowledge of the synthesis process. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a new discipline on integration and deconstruction of synthetic phenomena. On the basis of the general integration theory, the general integration and deconstruction synthesis are extended, and the general integration and deconstruction synthesis theory is proposed to describe the General Law of the integration and deconstruction synthesis. %K 集成,解构,一般集成论,一般集成和解构综合论
Integration %K Deconstruction %K General Integration %K General Integration and Deconstruction Synthesis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43896