%0 Journal Article %T 环糊精改性淀粉的发展及在环境治理领域的应用
Development of Cyclodextrin Modified Starch and Its Application in Environmental Treatment %A 郝琳 %A 郭宏洋 %A 要皓文 %A 李小平 %A 肖秀婵 %J Advances in Material Chemistry %P 80-85 %@ 2331-0146 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMC.2021.93010 %X 淀粉作为一种天然水溶性高聚物,经过不同处理方法改性后对部分有机物、重金属离子等具有一定的吸附性,是一种理想的新型环境功能材料。但单一使用仍然存在机械强度低、吸附容量小等问题。环糊精因内含复杂的立体空腔结构,且具备“外亲水,内疏水”的特别性能,能与许多客体分子结合形成包合物。因此通过各种改性手段将二者有机的结合起来制备出的环糊精改性淀粉微球,既能克服淀粉微球单一使用的不足之处,同时兼具环糊精在结构上优势。本文介绍了环糊精改性淀粉微球的发展现状,并从印染废水处理、农药污染治理、重金属离子吸附处理三方面简述了环糊精改性淀粉微球在环境治理领域中的应用。
As a kind of natural water-soluble polymer, starch has a certain adsorption capacity for some organic matter and heavy metal ions after modified by different treatment methods, which is an ideal new environmental functional material. However, there are still some problems such as low mechanical strength and small adsorption capacity. Cyclodextrin can combine with many guest molecules to form inclusion complexes because of its complex three-dimensional cavity structure and special properties of “hydrophilic outside and hydrophobic inside”. Therefore, the cyclodextrin modified starch microspheres prepared by various modification methods can not only overcome the shortcomings of single use of starch microspheres, but also have the advantages of cyclodextrin in structure. In this paper, the development status of cyclodextrin modified starch microspheres was introduced, and the application of cyclodextrin modified starch microspheres in the field of environmental treatment was summarized from three aspects of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, pesticide pollution treatment and heavy metal ion adsorption treatment. %K 改性淀粉,环糊精,污染治理,环境
Modified Starch %K Cyclodextrin %K Pollution Control %K Environment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43781