%0 Journal Article %T 5种沙棘无性系基于干旱胁迫响应的抗旱性能对比
Analysis of Drought Resistances of 5 Seabuckthorn Clones Based on Drought Stress Reponses %A 胡建忠 %A 刘丽颖 %J Open Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %P 52-57 %@ 2334-3435 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJSWC.2021.92006 %X 利用盆栽试验手段,研究了5种沙棘无性系的抗旱性,结果表明,对于不同水分条件的干旱胁迫,不同沙棘无性系可通过树高、地径、生物量的变化,能够及时做出响应。用重度干旱胁迫下3个指标的测定数值,占正常水分条件下同一指标数值的比例,来衡量各参试沙棘无性系的抗旱性,发现参试5种沙棘无性系,以“杂雌优12号”、“杂雌优54号”的抗旱性相对较强,“杂雌优10号”、“杂雌优1号”居中,而“杂雌优2号”相对较弱,不过参试5种沙棘的抗旱性都属于较强的水平。
Pot experiments were conducted to estimate the drought resistances of 5 seaabuckthorn clones. The height, diameter and biomass of seabuckthorn clones could react quickly to different soil water conditions. The ratios of height, diameter and biomass in severe drought stress conditions to normal conditions were used to calculate the drought resistances of 5 seabuckthorn clones, which indicated that the drought resistances of “Zaciyou 12” “Zaciyou 54” were strong, “Zaciyou 10” “Zaciyou 1” middle, and “Zaciyou 2” weak in the 5 clones, but they were all in the strong level of drought resistance. %K 沙棘,干旱胁迫,树高,地径,生物量,抗旱性
Seabuckthorn %K Drought Stress %K Heights %K Basal Diameter %K Biomass %K Drought Resistance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=43417