%0 Journal Article %T 非遗老字号“漳盐”的品牌创新思路探索
Exploring the Innovative Ideas of Intangible Cultural Heritage Brand Zhangyan %A 乔妍博 %J Modern Marketing %P 38-42 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2021.113005 %X 明清时期就十分繁荣的漳盐经济,因地理位置偏僻、交通不便、基础设施不完善、生产结构单一、生产技术落后、缺乏资金等多方面因素,而造成品牌老化的后果。本文通过找出漳盐品牌目前所存在的问题,结合漳盐本身及历史文化,对漳盐所存在问题进行分析。其中提出的漳盐品牌创新思路,也可以为其他贫困地区老字号在品牌上的创新提供参考。
The economy of Zhangyan, which was very prosperous during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, caused the consequences of brand aging due to many factors, such as remote location, inconvenient transportation, imperfect infrastructure, single production structure, backward production technology, lack of funds and so on. Combining with Zhang Salt itself and its historical culture, the problems existing in Zhang Salt are analyzed. This article finds out the current problems of the Zhangyan brand. The innovative ideas of the Zhangyan brand proposed in it can also provide a reference for the brand innovation of time-honored brands in poverty-stricken areas. %K “漳盐”品牌老化,创新思路,创意延伸
Zhangzhou Salt Brand Aging %K Innovative Ideas %K Creative Extension %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44362