%0 Journal Article %T 狂欢与凝视:颜值消费与田园回归——以“藏族小伙丁真爆红”事件为例
Carnival and Gaze: Appearance Level Consumption and the Return of the Pastoral—Taking the Case of the Tibetan Boy Ding Zhen as an Example %A 张思逸 %A 张思诺 %A 孟圆 %J Modern Marketing %P 43-46 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2021.113006 %X 2020年,四川省甘孜州理塘县的藏族小伙丁真意外走红。在“丁真爆红事件”中,主流媒体成功引流,使得一个单纯的网红事件演变成一场现象级的网络狂欢,极大地助推了理塘县的文旅宣传,是一个出色的旅游扶贫案例。
In 2020, Ding Zhen, a Tibetan boy from Litang County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, became popular unexpectedly. In the “Ding Zhen Exploding Popular Event”, mainstream media successfully attracted the attention, making a simple internet celebrity event evolved into a phenomenal network carnival, which greatly boosted the propaganda of cultural tourism in Litang County, and was an excellent case of tourism poverty alleviation. %K 主流媒体,扶贫实践,丁真,狂欢理论
Mainstream Media %K Poverty Alleviation Practice %K Ding Zhen %K Carnival Theory %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44511