%0 Journal Article %T 互融共生的理论梳理与研判
Theoretical and Empirical Research on Mutual Fusion and Symbiosis %A 王明山 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 27-33 %@ 2574-416X %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2021.53004 %X 两个集合互相融合,共同作用,产生出不低于预期结果的过程称互融共生,有差异、浑然、重组、植入、交互五种基本模式,可简记为“融生”。
The process of merging and working together between two sets to produce not less than the expected results, is called mutual fusion and symbiosis. There are five basic patterns: Discrepancy, completely, reorganization, implantation and interaction, which can be abbreviated as “MF.S”. %K 集合,互融共生,模式
Set %K Mutual Fusion and Symbiosis %K Pattern %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44946