%0 Journal Article %T Improved Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes by Mixed Stencils %A Shaogang Guo %A Wang Li %J Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics %P 153-165 %@ 2165-3860 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojfd.2021.113009 %X Improved Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Scheme is a high order finite volume method. The mixed stencils can be obtained by a combination of r + 1 order and r order stencils. We improve the weights by the mapping method. The restriction that conventional ENO or WENO schemes only use r order stencils, is removed. Higher resolution can be achieved by introducing the r + 1 order stencils. This method is verified by three cases, i.e. the interaction of a moving shock with a density wave problem, the interacting blast wave problem and the double mach reflection problem. The numerical results show that the Improved Weighted Essential Non-oscillatory method is a stable, accurate high-resolution finite volume scheme. %K Finite Volume Method %K WENO Schemes %K Weights %K Shock %K Stencils %K High-Resolution %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=111803