%0 Journal Article %T Book Review of ˇ°The Secret of Organogermanium¨DAmazing Power to Renew Lifeˇ± %A Takafumi Tezuka %J Advances in Enzyme Research %P 50-53 %@ 2328-4854 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/aer.2021.93005 %X The organogermanium (Ge-132), namely Asaigermanium (Ge-132) was synthesized by Dr. Kazuhiko Asai about over 50 years ago (1967). This Ge-132 has important functions to cure the patients with many serious diseases like cancers and also has functions to activate the physiological actions of microorganisms and organisms like bacteria, animals/humans and plants. Namely, the Ge-132 plays a very important role in many kinds of organisms. At present, we are in COVID-19 crisis. In order to ease the crisis, the governments in the world vaccinate people against COVID-19. However, this vaccination seems to be not every. The Ge-132 as a different treatment for COVID-19 will probably have a good effect on COVID-19. Its probability can be judged from our experiments/experience and evidential data by researchers who have gone before ourselves. The probable contents are described in this book. %K Book Review %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=111846