%0 Journal Article %T Estimation of Reference Emission and Absorption Levels in Benin¡¯s Protected Areas %A Isma£¿la Toko Imorou %A Yaya Issifou Moumouni %A Djaouga Mama %A Arouna Ouss¨¦ni %A Zakari Soufouyane %A Matilo Orou Augustin %A Satoguina Honorat %A Yabi Iboura£¿ma %A Djego Julien %A Thomas Omer %A Houssou Christophe %J Low Carbon Economy %P 117-136 %@ 2158-7019 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/lce.2021.123006 %X For the implementation of the REDD+ mechanism, the UNFCCC, through decision 12/CP17, invites countries to develop certain tools to estimate reference emission levels for forests. With this in mind, reference emission and absorption levels were estimated in five protected areas in Benin. To achieve this, two different datasets were used, namely: in situ data from the field collection campaign carried out in 2018, especially from the national forest inventory of 2007 and land use data from 2000 to 2018. In accordance with the 2006 IPCC Good Practice Guidance on Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the calculation of historical emissions from deforestation and degradation is done by multiplying Activity Data (AD) by Emission Factors (EF). The analysis of the results shows that at the national level, the annual deforestation rate in protected areas is 0.34% (2091 ha/year), compared to 1.09% (3153 ha/year) for the annual degradation rate. Overall, carbon emissions amount to 166.65 Mt.eq-CO2/ha, or 16.67 Mt.eq-CO2/ha/year, compared to baseline removals of about 1.14 Mt.eq-CO2/ha, or 0.11 Mt.eq-CO2/ha/year in the protected areas covered by this research. Annual emissions of 0.67 Mt.eq-CO2/ha/year from methane are also noted, compared to 0.056 Mt.eq-CO2/ha/year from nitrous oxide. Therefore, It is clear that actions to mitigate GHG emissions must be undertaken directly in Benin¡¯s protected areas in order to strengthen forest carbon stocks. %K Benin %K Protected Areas %K Reference Emission Level %K Deforestation %K REDD+ %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=112329