%0 Journal Article %T UWB定位技术在500 kV变电站的应用研究
Application of UWB Positioning Technology in 500 kV Substation %A 崔宇中 %A 张晶焯 %A 杨丰阁 %A 许向明 %A 张瑞达 %A 佘楚云 %A 伍国兴 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 115-124 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2021.93013 %X UWB定位技术具有精度高,功耗低及抗干扰能力强的特点,使其在变电站现场作业风险管控和安全生产中扮演了重要角色。本文设计了一种基于超宽带技术的变电站精准定位系统,并在500 kV变电站中搭建了应用平台。通过精度测试和场景特点设置定位策略,设计基站部署方案。定位系统最终成功投入运行,实现定位全站覆盖,入场人员实时安全管控的效果,填补了UWB技术在南网特高压变电站中应用的空白。
UWB positioning technology has the characteristics of high precision, low power consumption and strong anti-interference ability, which makes it play an important role in the risk management and safety production of substation field operation. This paper designs a precise positioning system based on ultra wideband technology, and builds an application platform in 500 kV substation. Base station deployment scheme is designed by setting positioning strategy through precision test and scene characteristics. Finally, the positioning system was put into operation successfully, realizing the coverage of the whole station and the real-time safety control of the personnel entering the site, which filled in the blank of the application of UWB Technology in the UHV substation of South grid. %K UWB,变电站,安全管控,定位系统
UWB %K Substation %K Safety Control %K Positioning System %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=45611