%0 Journal Article %T 基于激光雷达的自适应车尾灯的设计
Design of Adaptive Tail Light Based on Lidar %A 许珂 %A 曾丽娜 %A 刘兆悦 %A 吴奇寒 %A 廖芯 %A 李再金 %A 徐东昕 %A 陈浩 %A 乔忠良 %A 曲轶 %A 刘国军 %A 李林 %J Optoelectronics %P 132-141 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2021.113016 %X 汽车照明朝着更加安全、环保、节能、智能化、人性化的方向发展,汽车智能化是当今全球汽车界重要的发展趋势之一。使用激光作为光源,基于激光雷达和控制电路对激光的功率进行实时调制,并利用激光投影图案对后方行驶车辆进行警示。该车尾灯不仅更加节能,还提高了驾驶的安全性。
Automotive lighting is developing in the direction of more safety, environmental protection, energy- saving, intelligence and humanization. Automotive intelligence is one of the important development trends in the global automotive industry. The laser is used as the light source, the laser power is modulated in real-time based on lidar and control circuit, and the laser projection pattern is used to warn the vehicles behind. The tail lamp of the vehicle is not only more energy- saving but also improves driving safety. %K 激光雷达,激光,投影,节能
Lidar %K Laser %K Projection %K Energy Saving %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=45431