%0 Journal Article %T Maximum Power Point Tracker Controller Using Fuzzy Logic Control with Battery Load for Photovoltaics Systems %A Mazen Yeselam Baramadeh %A Mohamed Abd Almonem Abouelela %A Saad Mubarak Alghuwainem %J Smart Grid and Renewable Energy %P 163-181 %@ 2151-4844 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/sgre.2021.1210010 %X The target of this paper is to model a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) using a Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) algorithm and to investigate its behavior with a battery load. The advantage of this study over other studies in this field is that it considers a battery load rather than the commonly used resistive load especially when we deal with the relationship between MPPT and system load. The system is about 60 kW which is simulated under various environmental conditions by Matlab/Simulink program. For this type of non-linear application, FLC naturally offers a superior controller for the real load case. The artificial intelligence approach also benefits from this method for overcoming the complexity of nonlinear system modelling. The results show that FLC provides high performance for MPPT of PV system with battery load due to its low settling time and limited oscillation around the steady state value. These are assistant factors for increasing battery life. %K MPPT Controller %K Fuzzy Logic Control %K PV System %K Matlab Simulink %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=112839