%0 Journal Article %T Variants of Nuclear Power Plants of Small and Medium Power with Heavy Liquid-Metal Coolants %A Tatiana Alexandrovna Bokova %A Alexander Georgievich Meluzov %A Pavel Andreevich Bokov %A Nikita Sergeevich Volkov %A Alexander Romanovich Marov %J Open Journal of Microphysics %P 53-71 %@ 2162-2469 %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojm.2021.114005 %X New design solutions have been proposed for a BRS-GPG type reactor circuit, which are different from transport and stationary low and medium-powered reactor installations cooled with heavy liquid-metal coolants, and which correspond to the evolutionary development of such installations. While developing these solutions, the available experience in creating and operating Soviet pilot and commercial power plants cooled with lead-bismuth coolants was used, including investigations, primarily experimental ones, carried out by team of authors in justification of a capacity range (50 - 250 MW) of low and medium-powered reactor plants with horizontal steam generators (BRS- GPG) proposed and elaborated at the NNSTU. %K Heavy Liquid Metal Coolant (HLMC) %K Nuclear Power Plant %K Lead %K Lead-Bismuth %K Low and Medium Power Reactor %K Steam Generator Solution %K Main Circulation Pump Solution %K BRS-GPG %K Multifunctional Reactor %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=113303