%0 Journal Article %T 不同覆土厚度/容重对裸岩石砾地土壤理化性质的影响
Effects of Different Soil Thickness/Bulk Density on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Bare Rock Gravel Soil %A 申江龙 %A 黎雅楠 %A 孙语彤 %J Open Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %P 65-72 %@ 2334-3435 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJSWC.2021.94 %X 荒石滩地作为我国重要的后备耕地资源,对其开发利用对于保障粮食安全具有重要意义。针对荒石滩地区砾石裸漏、土层浅薄等问题,通过小区模拟实验,在下覆石砾的基础上设置了不同的覆土结构,并监测不同覆土结构对土壤理化性质及作物产量的影响,以得出适宜的土体机构。研究结果表明:覆土厚度在60 cm时土壤中的全氮、速效磷含量达到最大;土壤容重设置为1.5 g/cm3时,土壤中速效磷含量达到最大。速效钾的含量随土壤容重的增长而增高。
As an important reserve arable land resource in our country, barren stone beach land is of great significance to its development and utilization for ensuring food security. Aiming at the problems of bare gravel leakage and shallow soil layer in the barren rock beach area, through community simulation experiments, different soil covering structures were set up on the basis of the underlying rock gravels, and the influence of different soil covering structures on the physical and chemical properties of the soil and crop yield was monitored to get the appropriate soil structure. The results of the study showed that the total nitrogen and available phosphorus content in the soil reached the maximum when the cover soil thickness was 60 cm; when the soil bulk density was set to 1.5 g/cm3, the available phosphorus content in the soil reached the maximum. The content of available potassium increased with the increase of soil bulk density. %K 覆土结构,土壤理化性质,裸岩石砾
Soil Covering Structure %K Soil Physical and Chemical Properties %K Bare Rock Gravel %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47218