%0 Journal Article %T 动车组风笛发声仿真方法研究
Research on Simulation Method of EMU Air Whistle Sound %A 柳旭东 %A 于鹏 %A 宋雷鸣 %J Open Journal of Acoustics and Vibration %P 166-178 %@ 2328-0522 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJAV.2021.94017 %X
The sound of EMU air whistle is an important auditory signal to ensure safety and efficient operation of railway. The railway industry standards strictly stipulate various parameters of air whistle for locomotives and EMU, but sound insulation of shroud reduce the sound pressure level of external sound field. In order to ensure that air whistle can transmit signals safely and effectively, it is very important to accurately simulate the sounding process of it. Based on working principle of air whistle, Fluid-Structure-Interaction analysis method is used to simulate the process of diaphragm vibration produced by high-pressure air flow, and then the pressure change curve at the air whistle outlet is obtained. The propagation process of air whistle in external sound field is simulated by finite element method, and then the external sound field distribution is predicted. An air whistle test system is established to test the total sound pressure level (A-weight) and frequency of the air whistle under different working air pressures, which further verified the accuracy of the fluid-structure interaction and the external sound field simulation method.
%K 膜片振动,流固耦合,风笛声场
Diaphragm Vibration %K Fluid-Structure Interaction %K Air Whistle Sound Field %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47280