%0 Journal Article %T 运用人工智能科技维护我国国际河流流域安全
Maintaining the Safety of China’s International River Basins by Artificial Intelligence Technology %A 龙瀛 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 51-55 %@ 2574-416X %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2021.54007 %X 我国国际河流主要分布于我国的东北、西北、西南3大片区。运用人工智能科技维护我国国际河流流域安全主要包括3点:建设我国国际河流流域智慧城市、建设我国国际河流流域智慧乡村、建设我国国际河流流域智慧军事。我国国际河流水量的涨与落不仅直接影响着周围居民的生命财产安全,更因为这些国际河流流域是我国主要城市乡村发展的集中地,还成为了影响我国国家安全、人民安全的重要地区。所以,我国国际河流流域安全事关我国国家安全,特别是边防安全。
China’s international rivers are mainly distributed in the northeast, northwest and southwest of China. Using artificial intelligence technology to maintain the security of China’s border and coastal international river basins mainly includes three points: building smart cities along the border and coastal international river basins, building smart villages along the border and coastal international river basins, and building smart military along the border and coastal international river basins. The rise and fall of the water volume of international rivers along the border and coast of China not only directly affect the life and property safety of the surrounding residents, but also because these international river basins are the concentration of China’s major urban and rural development, but also become important areas affecting China’s national security and people's security. Therefore, the security of international river basins along China’s borders and coasts is related to China’s national security, especially border defense security. %K 人工智能,中国,国际河流流域,安全
Artificial Intelligence %K China %K International Rivers Basins %K Security %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47463