%0 Journal Article %T 基于典型目标网架的“网格化规划”供电可靠性计算模型方法
Method and Modeling of “Grid Planning” Reliability Calculation Based on Typical Target Grid %A 赵阳 %A 李小明 %A 魏伟 %A 刘速飞 %A 金佳 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 165-176 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2021.94018 %X 针对日益复杂配电网的多样化发展要求,国网公司提出了“网格化规划”理念,以实现配电网精细化管理和用户的高可靠性需求。然而,目前仍缺乏反映“网格化规划”特点的供电可靠性计算方法。本文基于改进的故障模式后果解析法,以典型接线为最小计算单元,与供电单元、供电网格相对应,将配电网可靠性指标与负荷密度、配电网目标网架、是否采用配电自动化、配电设备等量化关联, 快速实现配电网“网格化规划”可靠性指标计算,满足不同网格用户的高供电可靠性需求。
In response to the diversified development requirements of the increasingly complex distribution network, the State Grid Corporation proposed the concept of “grid planning” to realize the refined management of the distribution network and the high-reliability requirements of users. However, there is still a lack of power supply reliability calculation methods that reflect the characteristics of “grid planning”. Based on the improved failure mode consequence analysis method, this paper uses typical wiring as the minimum calculation unit, corresponding to the power supply unit and the power supply grid, and quantitatively associates the reliability index of the distribution network with the load density, the target grid of the distribution network, whether to use distribution automation, and distribution equipment, etc., to quickly realize the reliability index calculation of the “grid planning” of the distribution network, and meet the high power supply reliability needs of different grid users. %K 目标网架,典型供电模式,网格化规划,供电单元,供电网格,供电可靠性
Target Grid %K Typical Power Supply Mode %K Grid Planning %K Power Supply Unit %K Power Grid %K Power Supply Reliability %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47550