%0 Journal Article %T Left- and Right-Handers May Unintentionally Apply Different Cognitive Strategies in Response to Situational Demands: Study Using the Block-Wise Proportion Congruency Effect %A Kazuhito Yoshizaki %A Yurina Watanabe %J Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science %P 10-21 %@ 2160-5874 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jbbs.2022.121002 %X We investigated the effects of handedness on developing latent cognitive response strategies according to situation variables. We used the findings of the block-wise Proportion Congruency (PC) effect in which the proportion of congruent trials in a given block modulates the compatibility effect in its block. The block-wise PC effect cannot be intentionally controlled. A Simon task with three different types of Proportion Congruency (PC) in a given block was used to measure the block-wise PC effects. This task was administered to 24 left-handed and 24 right-handed participants. The reaction time and error rates, consistent with previous studies, demonstrated that the block-wise PC effect was observed in left- and right-handers. Crucially, the block-wise PC effect was more pronounced in left- than right-handers, suggesting that left- and right-handers unintentionally apply different cognitive strategies in response to conflict resolution experiences. %K Cognitive Control %K Handedness %K Block-Wise Proportion Congruency (PC) Effect %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=114695