%0 Journal Article %T 某工业场地土壤pH值偏低原因分析与风险防范
Cause Analysis and Risk Prevention of Low pH Value Soil in an Industrial Site %A 王磊 %A 陈晨 %A 汪宇鹏 %J Hans Journal of Soil Science %P 7-14 %@ 2329-7263 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJSS.2022.101002 %X
In a site environmental survey project, the pH values of several individual points of soil are low, while the other indicators tested are normal. To analyze the causes of abnormal pH value, historical data of the site is further investigated, the volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds in the soil and groundwater are fully scanned, and the contents of sulfuric acid root, nitrate and chloride ion are tested. The results show that the pollutants causing low pH are mainly distributed in the aerated zone soil. Improper sulfur storage in the history may bring about the leaking of sulfur into the soil, and that can be converted into sulfuric acid under the action of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, which may be the main reason for the low pH value of the soil. In the process of site development and construction, extremely acidic soil may have negative impacts on human health, geotechnical structure, building materials and plant growth, so it is necessary to take preventive measures against potential risks.
%K 场地环境调查,土壤,pH值,硫
Site Environmental Survey %K Soil %K pH Value %K Sulfur %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47796